…for Change.

CLI is an agent for change. Change can happen in so many different ways and CLI is ready to partner with school districts in whatever way needed. However, CLI’s methodology isn’t always easy to explain to districts, the general public, donors, or foundations. To aid in that process we created the “For Change” series. We humanized our story and gave our audience an easy way to identify with our mission.

Coaching for Change

CLI’s mission is fulfilled indirectly. This idea can be hard to explain to folks outside of education. We made a short documentary to help explain how our team works in schools, how they’re trained, why they do what they do, and what a day in the life of a CLI coach looks like.

Take a closer look at the life and work of a Professional Developer at Children's Literacy Initiative.

Partnering For Change

For this video, we let our partners do the talking. We asked teachers and principals to describe what it was like to work with CLI, and the impact it had on them and their classrooms.


Content of Change

This part of the series goes in-depth. It’s meant for the foundations behind the grants that fund CLI’s work. It revolves around the leader of the content development department, and why CLI’s work is important to her, and our communities.


Reading Equals. - Logo, Marketing Campaign, Video


Blueprint 3 - Results Campaign and Advertising